Friday, January 30, 2009

First Snow

On Tuesday, we got the first snowstorm of the new year. Here on The Shore we only received about 1 1/2 inches, but it caused school and many other business closures. I was scheduled for Sip 'n' Stitch at the local cafe, but outside it looked dismal and cold. Telling myself that most likely, no one would come out on such a gray, icky day, I snuggled deeper under the covers to decide whether I should give it a try. When Dear Hubby called the office to take a vacation day and got up to walk the dogs, I pulled the blankets up closer around my ears to further ponder the matter. When he appeared in the doorway with a tray of warm oatmeal and tea, I figured that the Universe had made my decision.

Later that morning, I got a call from one of the local knitters. Not only had all of the the regulars (sans moi) managed to appear, but one who would normally have been at her school job and someone new, as well. All I could do was blame it on the oatmeal.

1 comment:

SD Dad said...

Here in Sd we have had over 220 inches so far this winter.....